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AI is an unasked for tech looking for a problem to solve. It uses an incredible amount of energy.

Blockchain was an unasked for tech looking for a problem to solve. It uses an incredible amount of energy.

Pursuit of endless growth is pursuit of a cancer.

Moore's Law is dead and we have reached a happy plateau. We dont need more computing power. We can do so much now. If you need something to chew on, work on making it more efficient. Make the code smaller and faster and lighter.

And less of a power draw.

#AI #Blockchain #SolarPunk

in reply to Tinker ☀️

A technology that when mature can make me not having to work anymore is "not asked for"? WTF
in reply to Remença

- Oh, I'm all for automation, especially for mundane things.

But the current iteration of AI is "automate the art and poetry" while forcing people to do the drudgery, as opposed to "automate the drudgery" and allow people to create the art and poetry.

#ai #solarpunk

in reply to Remença

@remenca Which technology is that? How does blockchain make you not having to work?
in reply to Remença

@remenca I’m honestly curious. How do you think large language models, or AI, is going to bring about a future without work? What are the steps from here to automated luxury space communism? Or any other definition of a future where humans can just chill?

Do you own OpenAI? Say they do create a human level intelligence. What then? Why would they share the profit and productivity with you, if you’re just one of 8 billion nobodies?

What about doctors, nurses, plumbers, sanitation workers? Or is it only knowledge workers who “get to” be out of a job? What kind of political and economic system are you talking about?

in reply to Sami Juvonen

Very good comment that serves as motivation for my main point, which expressed in polite terms would something like THE PROBLEM IS NOT AI THE PROBLEM IS F*CKING CAPITALISM. As you accurately describe, what incentive has Sam Altman to share his AI, there is it none. The solution is eliminating Sam Altman and all their ilk. In other words, getting rid of capitalism would solve all of this problems.
in reply to Remença

Oh, I see you have a good job and you are probably happy living in capitalism, I understand it now.
in reply to Sami Juvonen

Therefore I do not understand why you seem to criticize my answer of "what we need to do is to get rid of capitalists"
in reply to Remença

@remenca You didn’t answer any of my questions with your “smash capitalism!” response.

Current AI tech is capitalism distilled, so I don’t understand how you think it is going to free you from toil, or capitalism.

in reply to Sami Juvonen

That is because it is in capitalist hands, which is my entire point. We only need to seize it, like any other means of production, and socialize it's benefits. For instance, if you are an artist and you work has been used for training an AI, you should perceive the proportional part of whatever it would have been paid to generate an image with that AI.
in reply to Remença

Finally, if we theorize on what would happening AI would reach parity with humans, we could just put AI to do all the work while we could spend our days doing whatever we enjoy, be it drawing or being at the bar.
in reply to Remença

this will never happen. never. because human brain works totally different than computational algorithms. and we still have too little knowledge about how brain works.
that that they call "AI" now is nothing like "intelligence". it's just statistical maths with databases, nothing more. no magic, no intellect. stupid algorithms. poor and useless results that cannot be used in business or whatever because this is not intelligence. this is just stochastic subsets of junk datasets. and some people believe this is "intelligence". it's not. nothing reliable, nothing recurrent, nothing reproducible, this is not knowledge, it's just random junk.
and the bubble will burst, at last. major investors have already got this and stopped financing that hoax.
in reply to Iron Bug

@iron_bug @sjuvonen

Uhm, quite a poisoning the well here, but if I understand you correctly, so seem to affirm that "we still have too little knowledge about how brain works". If that is true, then how can you know if the brain uses the same mechanism as LLMs? You yourself affirm that you do not know how those mechanism work.

in reply to Remença

it doesn't. I know enough in math (higher math education, with degree), enough in programming (working as developer for 20+ years) and enough in neuroscience (reading scientific works for over 10 years) to say they have NOTHING in common. and comprexity of human brain is of many orders of magnitude superior to what they call "AI". that's not even a math model, far from it. and the computational capacities humanity has at the moment are not enough to emulate even simplest brain like one of a mouse, say. not even mentioning human brain.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Tinker ☀️

always told that people but they were too attracted to stupid hype and didn't see the reality.