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If you feel disheartened by Adobe's news today πŸ˜”πŸ’”

I know change can be hard but
I would love to point you to a couple of great alternatives you will get used to in no time:

Replace Photoshop with -> @krita πŸ–ŒοΈ

Replace Illustrator with -> @inkscape πŸ–‹οΈ

Why? Because of this:

If you know any other great
Adobe software replacements,
please list them below to help others πŸ‘‡

#Privacy #Adobe #Photoshop #Illustrator #Krita #Inkscape #OpenSource

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in reply to Em (is looking for work) :official_verified:

the Affinity applications are really great, and can be had for a one time fee (aka paying for it once).