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It's not Linux, but after an hour of brew installs and making sure everything that can be made Nord has been made Nord, I don't feel totally alien on the new MacBook Pro.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to shimst3r

@shimst3r VScode, WezTerm, Jupyter Notebooks, bpytop, neovim, mutt, Bartender (incl recolor of menu bar), Alfred 5, Obsidian, Drafts, desktop background, and a few more.

Either with Greasemonkey/CSS hacks, themes (wezterm, vscode, nvim, etc.), or manual intervention.

in reply to Hoppmester Fønvind Snublebluss

Hehe, thanks, that sorted out my saturday. I had to see how far I could take my Win11 laptop and my iMac which is now running Zorin instead of macOS. 🤣 I was a bit fed up with all the Dracula stuff I had going anyways, and it was quite some time since I used Nord. Will probably be an #Akkoma theme out of all this too, but I haven’t figured out how to export themes from Sharkey just yet (bar copying the styles out myself).