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Just preserving this one for posterity: the 60 seconds that made her President.

The lines, the delivery, everything.

#uspol #uspolitics #harris

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in reply to Gernot Wagner

in this ACAB era I’m not sure she should be emphasizing that she’s one of them.
in reply to volkris

@volkris when your opponent is a convicted felon you emphasize that you are his opposite. And cops have hated her since she supported civilian review boards.
in reply to Xerø

@ecksearoh when you have two pigs wrestling in the mud it doesn’t really help to emphasize that either is a pig.

When your opponent is a convicted felon seems to me you should emphasize what you’re bringing to the table, not focus on him and let him set the agenda.

in reply to volkris

@volkris you fight the war you are in with the tools you have, and often times you don't get to choose the battlefield.
in reply to Xerø

@ecksearoh Well that’s a thing that I would really emphasize, Democrats don’t have to choose Harris. She is a problematic candidate, and they have a ton of other people they could run.

This is what I’ve been saying everywhere, please for goodness sake can one of the two parties give me a candidate worth voting for?

Harris is a compromised candidate. She might lose to Trump because she is kind of awful. But there’s no reason to choose her. Democrats should nominate a candidate that would steamroll over Trump, and they absolutely can. They do get to choose the battlefield.

in reply to volkris

@volkris Democrats have already chosen a candidate that can beat Trump, you just don't like her and that's cool, you be you.
in reply to Xerø

@ecksearoh Democrats have not chosen a candidate. The convention has not yet happened.

Kamala is better than Biden against Trump, that’s true, but she remains far too close in the polling for my taste. I don’t want a candidate who is neck and neck, I want a candidate who will smash him and win in a landslide.

I don’t want to risk it with Kamala’s baggage, her past failures, and her generally off-putting demeanor.

I want Democrats to offer someone worth voting for so much that it will crush Republicans for a generation. And it’s not that hard to find someone better than Harris. She barely makes it over the line if she does. And I don’t think that’s good enough.