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in reply to Jcrabapple

There are churches out there like this, they are just a bit harder to find. And a big challenge especially with LGBTQ support is even relatively progressive churches often are required to agree to their denomination's policies... which are still slow to change.
in reply to Jcrabapple

It's refreshing. Rev Daniel, on the bird site, is like this. My grandmother was like this. But there are too few religious folk to point to as good examples of humanity. They exist, they just get drowned out by the horrible folk.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Jcrabapple

Radical talk β€” not only is it true, it might reinvigorate religion in this country …
in reply to Jcrabapple

Ed Trevors, Canadian Anglican Priest, is much like this. I enjoy his videos because it reminds me that the asshats with the megaphone shouted people like him off the public stage, but pastors like him exist.

I still expect people like this to finally publicly push back. Conservative insanity has to be refuted, loudly and publicly

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Jcrabapple

The bible does mention abortion. It describes a time one is mandated(for the benefit of men, still a patriarchal religion, after all) and a method in numbers 5:19-22.
in reply to Jcrabapple

It does actually mention abortion but in a very roundabout way. In Exodus 21:22-25 we can read:

22 β€œIf people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows.
23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

Given that this is a literal law, we can safely say "life begins at conception" thing is a massive fucking lie. The whole passage was actually erased from the Bible in the 1970's, too.

in reply to Jcrabapple

I like him. My old church back in my birth country was like this and it mirrors my understanding of my faith. I haven’t been to church with any regularity since I moved here, years ago. When I realized what the dominant and politically powerful strains of Christianity were like here, I thought β€œI’m in the wrong movie. I’m in the twilight zone.”

But this dude, he makes sense.

in reply to Jcrabapple

I looked him up, quite a bit of coverage on him. I’m grateful he chose service. I hope we’ll see more of him.

If more Christians were like this maybe I wouldn’t have left the church. The past 15 yrs or so I’ve become increasingly disgusted by Christians. The past five yrs that disgust has devolved into animosity.

in reply to Jcrabapple

In the 1980ies we believed the simple truth: "Jesus loves you!"
Thats's all - #peace #love and #happiness πŸ™‚
in reply to Jcrabapple

Every bit of that speech was perfect. Christian nationalism is blasphemous, abhorrent, and a total affront to everything Jesus Christ stood for. I guarantee that if Christ were resurrected today, he would be displeased to learn of MAGA disgracing his name by using it as a cover for bigotry and fascism. They’re the false prophets he warned his followers about.
in reply to Jcrabapple

Christianity is a scam no matter what they say. Jesus never existed....
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Jcrabapple

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them."


I would rather not to see #Christians reading the bible :cate: we could end up in second Iran or some other bullshit abomination where you can get killed for eating doritos on friday.

in reply to Jcrabapple

It's so reassuring to see that I'm not the only Christian that feels this way.