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This wildflower has an unfortunate name in Japan, even though it is so small and lovely.


This means big dog's scrotum...poor thing, right?
🐕 ͗ ͗✨ 🌕🌕
They say it's because the shape of the fruit of this flower resembles that of a dog. omg...
But I love this flower!!😂

#oinunofuguri #オオイヌノフグリ #speedwell #catseye #wildflowers #Bloomscrolling

in reply to mikako.num

These are lovely, in swedish they are called tea Veronica if I am not misstaken.
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:


That is a lovely sounding name, nicer than the Japanese one!
Thank you for sharing the Swedish flower names! 🥰🙏✨