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Hey Fedi admins, need some opinions and advice πŸ™

There's a service called FediBuzz Relay which provides highly specialised relays of particular hashtags or particular instances:

When I've told admins about this service, opinions have gone in two opposite directions, with some praising it as an easy way of quickly adding specialised content to small instances, while others say it's misusing the Fediverse.

Would appreciate honest opinions about it.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Grow Your Own Services 🌱

I feel more like the former (adding content to small instances). We use it to find and push posts with various Indiana-related hashtags to our timelines.
in reply to Brian Lawson

@brian Yeah. It's a great tool for hashtags as single user instance.
in reply to Grow Your Own Services 🌱

I've been experimenting with my own single-user instance and I'm using FediBuzz relay. Without it, hashtags and the federated timeline are essentially unusable.