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Items tagged with: FediAdmin

Ugh. I have so much resentment for Fedi admins who shut down instances without doing their due diligence to make sure their users are taken care of.πŸ€¬πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Worst, if you make an announcement about a shutdown, claiming you'll help, then proceed to delete that announcement and then your account, making getting that help impossible.πŸ™„

Like wtf.

#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin

Content warning: Fediblock Recommendation: Transphobic Comment

Content warning: Fediblock recommendation, disingenuous activity

Content warning: FediBlock | New Kind of Ad on the Fediverse

Hey Fedi admins, need some opinions and advice πŸ™

There's a service called FediBuzz Relay which provides highly specialised relays of particular hashtags or particular instances:

When I've told admins about this service, opinions have gone in two opposite directions, with some praising it as an easy way of quickly adding specialised content to small instances, while others say it's misusing the Fediverse.

Would appreciate honest opinions about it.


HIGHLY recommend Fediblock for user '' as they're tagging random users and spamming porn with no CW. Receipts attached in the screenshot.

Edit: The whole instance is Freeze Peach. Toss it in the trash.

#Fediblock #Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin

People like to say it’s all tech… but to really understand Communities on the Fediverse, we’ve done some research.

You can see what we’ve found in our new report, Mapping Fediverse Communities, available for download on our website:

Or check out the thread below for a summary πŸ‘‡

Please boost and if you have any comments or want to offer your expertise, reach out!

#newsmast #socialmedia #mastodon #fediverse #fedidev #fediadmin #boost #communities
