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in reply to Mike McCue

Great to hear @molly0xfff's thoughts on not just the fediverse but lots of #dweb and #indieweb technology.
The points about UX are so right, been thinking about this a lot.
Portability, attribution and ownership are also key
Thank you @mike and the @Flipboard team for producing these #dotsocial podcasts

Mike McCue reshared this.

in reply to Mike McCue

Excellent podcast! Molly has so many good ideas and valid criticisms of the existing web failures. Thank you!
in reply to Mike McCue

a decentralized Patreon is essential. an open protocol/API that would let us transfer money bank to bank almost as easily as sending an email.

the paywall issue is a real problem but could be overcome if we could connect our media/reading apps to this. set any amount that gets automatically distributed on a percentage basis by time spent.

if enough people do this with enough money, we eventually convince more and more creators to release their work directly and open access.

in reply to Mike McCue

Just listened to the episode. One of the best! Thanks both of you.
in reply to glyn

@underlap I agree. One of the best. Molly is so good. Thanks for listening.
in reply to Mike McCue

Is there some way to stream the audio only on PeerTube? Clicking Download -> Advanced -> "Audio stream" gives an "Access Denied" error.

I had to search for an another podcast source to get audio only.

in reply to Mike McCue

1/2 - @mike @molly0xfff Another great interview Mike and some very thoughtful points made by Molly especially this clip here about ownership, copyright and licensing of your content.

Clip from Interview:

The podcasting 2.0 community has already addressed the problems Molly raised about ownership, The new RSS License Tag used both Creative Commons licenses but also a new Podcast License for enabling audio and music licensing.