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For those who like to focus on #security an honest question: which other messenger has, like #deltachat in the last 13 months, received and addressed two independent security audits and one security analysis, all three from renowned auditors and researchers? CC @kuketzblog
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Delta Chat

That's not "an honest question". That is a question explicitly designed to highlight the positives of Delta Chat ... which, okay, everyone does that for their own product, but calling it "an honest question" reeks of manipulative PR BS.

Here's an honest question ... what messenger has, in the last 12 months, done these things? None of them? Huh.

in reply to Eric the Cerise

@ErictheCerise the implicitly referenced messenger matrix lists 19 messengers with four of them marked for having had a security audit in 2023. In our case the 2023 quote is outdated. So why do you think that there can not be an honest question about the state of security auditing of messengers? you are right to note that we try to highlight a positive point about delta chat not the least because there is the myth that "e-mail is insecure" that we are constantly running up against.