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Seeing people talk about #webrings again and it's bringing tears of joy to my eyes. We need more connections that circumvent big tech and webrings can potentially provide powerful gateways to niche subject areas.

Check out this #accessibility webring started by @eric for an example:

My personal challenge right now is finding a way to join many webrings in a coherent way. Will sit down and have a think about this.
in reply to Per Axbom

webrings are great but I found them lacking a bit. It is usually focused on blogs/websites and not the content itself.

On my blog I fetch my RSS feeds for the latest posts and match those up with the categories on my blog.

Then I just display the lastest 5 items in that category at the bottom of a related post.

For example on this post (in Swedish) I give tips on other photography related blogposts:

I borrowed the idea from
in reply to Gustav Lindqvist 🇸🇪

sort of a webring but without the social aspect of the ring itself. But it is still very much part of the web where I link to content that might be cool
in reply to Gustav Lindqvist 🇸🇪


Nice! Love this. Having one of those moments when I want to build something new. This is fantastic inspiration.
in reply to Per Axbom

is webring tech still the same from back in the day? Or have there been any improvements?
in reply to Arp Laszlo • Comics • ADHD

@arpcomics Mine is controlled by three small JS Netlify functions and a single JSON file as the source of truth.

The webring operation is entirely server-side, and updates itself on a PR merge. Definitely a lot less overhead than a CGI-Bin or what have you 😅
in reply to Arp Laszlo • Comics • ADHD


The idea is still the same 😊. A widget (that all blogs in the webring implement) where the reader can page forward and backward between blogs, or jump to a random one.

in reply to Per Axbom


I’m now looking at this nice kit from @mxbck

Seems similar to your setup Eric.
in reply to Per Axbom

That's because it's his code 😅
in reply to Eric

😂 Awesome. Tried and tested. Won’t have time to dive into this for real until the weekend though.

@mxbck @arpcomics