Items tagged with: Oblivion
Tonight’s movie is Oblivion (2013).
Yes, that is a Fry’s Electronics price tag on my copy of the movie.
#movies #scifi #oblivion #4kUHDbluray #bluray #apple #omega #speedmaster #watches #watchesofmastodon #fryselectronics
I should watch Oblivion again. This is a nice short documentary on how director Joseph Kosinski and his crew make Oblivion look so good by shooting as much as they could in camera.
Oblivion is not a smart movie, it’s full of flaws. But it is a beautiful movie and one that is fun to watch with the brain turned down a bit.
My thoughts on the movie:…
It is best to not think too much about its story, what is actually happening on screen and what could be the backstory of people and things.ultramookie