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Items tagged with: Bandcamp

Congrats to all the #Fedivision finalists! 🥳 That was so much fun, can't wait to do it all again next year!

My entry 'Fire Me Straight Into A Falling Star' is available now on #Bandcamp for free!

Big shout out to everyone who entered, listened, voted and commented, such a brilliant community as always, and especially a big thank you to the organizers for putting on another great event 🙏


Jag har för första gången köpt ett album från #bandcamp. Det kan vara första gången jag överhuvudtaget betalat för ett digitalt album. Jag ser det som ett led i att bli oberoende av #spotify.
Astrosat av #Applefish passar bra som bakgrundsmusik till läsning och kontorsjobb.

Music platform @mirlo is raising funds to keep running! They let listeners buy directly from musicians, with only 7% going to the platform. They're owned by a worker co-op and open-source too

I really appreciate what they're doing, especially with the instability at Bandcamp

#Musodon #Mirlo #Bandcamp #Kickstarter #Fundraiser #OpenSource #Coop #WorkerOwned #WorkerCoop