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Items tagged with: Durov

1. #Telegram's blockchain crashed again.

2. the #TON token that drives this chain (and is only usable when the chain has *not* crashed) has a market cap of ~$14 billion.

3. the chain crashed (again) because of a dog themed memecoin called #DOGS (again).

that is all.

#TonNetwork #PavelDurov #Durov #crypto #cryptocurrency #Memecoin

V Politico:
'Russians do everything via #Telegram .’ Pavel #Durov ’s arrest upends #Kremlin military comms

A #BBC pod by Helen Lewis about #Telegram and #Durov

#BBCNews - Arrest of #Telegram CEO Pavel #Durov 'ridiculous', says lawyer

#BBCNews - #Telegram repeatedly refuses to join child protection schemes
#pavel_durov #Durov #paveldurov

#Telegram CEO Pavel #Durov visited #Russia over 60 times since leaving the country in 2014, #Kremlingram, a Ukrainian group that campaigns against the use of Telegram in #Ukraine, reported.

The information contradicts Durov's claims of being a pariah and being effectively exiled from Russia, Kremlingram said.

The arrest of #Telegram's founder Pavel #Durov sets a dangerous precedent for what kind of action can be taken against supporters of #privacy & #cryptography.

Don't settle for anything less than E2E #encryption! We've created a list of the top encrypted messaging apps to help!

Ich habe angesichts der Festnahme von Pavel Durov aufgeschrieben, wer er ist und was ihn antreibt und bin einmal mehr überzeugt, dass es zwar problematisch ist, dass die französischen Behörden Verschlüsselung an sich kriminalisieren wollen, dass aber Durov nicht zu einem Kämpfer für sichere Kommunikation hochstilisiert werden sollte.
#durov #telegram #privacy

#Telegram and #Durov are once again in the media, so I translated my May piece about the service to English:

Telegram is neither "secure" nor "encrypted"

Calling Telegram "secure" or "encrypted" is misleading, and is journalistic malpractice.

Telegram itself seems to mislead about it on purpose.

Telegram's encryption protocol is suspicious and transmits cleartext device identifiers with every message.

They have been called out for it many times, and refuse to change.