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Items tagged with: libraries

How many libraries had "police having the tech to scan the RFID of a library book in a moving car" in their list of threat scenarios? :yikes:

Non-paywalled archived version -

#libraries #privacy

[muting for the weekend - get some time away from the screen this weekend!]

My local #library didn't have a copy of Jordan Mechner's #book Replay: Memoir of an Uprooted Family, so I submitted a purchase request. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

I'll admit it, I got the idea from someone else on Mastodon, and I can't remember who. Hopefully someone reading this will be inspired to check out their own library. They are precious resources and should be supported with our patronage.

#libraries #retrogaming @jmechner

The cost for libraries to lend ebooks is insane. Publishers should want people to borrow and read their books. They should give libraries discounts, not try to wring them for maximum profit. Libraries provide a public service that encourages people, especially kids, to read. You price yourself out libraries, you’ll get less readers and if people become illiterate then logically that is killing your profits for generations to come.

This is greed at its worst.

“For popular trade e-books, libraries often pay $55 for one copy that expires after 2 years (or $550 for one copy for 20 years). Meanwhile, a consumer will pay about $15 for perpetual use. By comparison, libraries can purchase hardcover books for around $18-$20.”

#libraries #library #ebooks #ebook