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Items tagged with: indiettrpg

Rosewood Abbey has a community announcement .

Come for the Carved from Brindlewood monastic mystery concept, stay for the surprise cameos and silly captions. #TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign #CarvedFromBrindlewood #PbtA

I don't have the books yet but the Rosewood Abbey dust covers arrived from the printer.

I can't wait to have the books and start shipping them. ❤️

#TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign

42 is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything!

42 is also how many "Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying" boxsets are left @ipr for YOU if you have a strong desire to declutter your loot. #TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign #mariekondo #HG2G

Rosewood Abbey, the play-to-find-out TTRPG of monastic mysteries, is now available via DriveThruRPG.

This Carved from Brindlewood (#PbtA) game is inspired by The Name of the Rose and Cadfael.

Will your Friars uphold the truth against uncontrolled rumors?

#RosewoodAbbey #TTRPG #indiettrpg #CarvedFromBrindlewood

I added to Rosewood Abbey a couple of missing Handouts:
- Rumor Apocrypha sheet
- Rumor Mill versions for either +/-4, 6 or 8 sessions. #TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign

This is NOT a drill!

The Rosewood Abbey TTRPG layout is now completed and the book is out to be printed.

Since charity is a virtue, I'll wait till tomorrow morning (GMT) before I raise price on Itchio and end the 30% discount on print pre-orders.

LAST CHANCE to take advantage of this bargain price. #TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign #Cadfael #NameOfTheRose

GOOD NEWS: I'm close to completing Rosewood Abbey's layout and sending it to the printer.

"BAD" NEWS: The 30% pre-order discount is about to end! The PDF is about to see its PRICE INCREASE! 😱

DON'T WAIT to order my monastic mysteries TTRPG. #TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign #Cadfael #NameOfTheRose

Are you from Washington DC (or able to make an online purchase)?

Do you need to declutter your loot?

"Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying" boxsets are back in stock at the excellent @labyrinthdc near Capitol Hill! #TTRPG #mariekondo #indiettrpg

Listening to [Weird Games and Weirder People] 50 Rafael Balbi 🅴 #weirdGamesAndWeirderPeople #TTRPG #indiettrpg #podcast #gamedesign #RPGLatam

Listening to [Weird Games and Weirder People] 53 Michael Low 🅴 #weirdGamesAndWeirderPeople #podcast #TTRPG #indiettrpg #gamedesign