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Items tagged with: inflation

Goldschatz in Milliardenwert in Privatbesitz

Gold bleibt als Wertanlage und als Schutz vor Inflation bei den Anlegern sehr beliebt. Zwar schrumpfte der Goldschatz der Deutschen zuletzt leicht, aber die Attraktivität des Edelmetalls bleibt ungebrochen.


#Gold #Goldbarren #Goldpreis #Inflation #Krise

The FTC just found evidence that American oil companies colluded with the Saudi government to hike gas prices, causing 27% of all #inflation, costing the average family $3,000 last year.

If #Trump is allowed back in the #WhiteHouse, he and his team of pariahs and lunatics are planning to devalue the Dollar in some insane and misguided effort to boost American exports. But the move would send the US #inflation rate through the roof, and destabilize the #globalEconomy. It's a plan supported by #PeterNavarro, so you know it's the exact wrong thing to do. Please consider the damage a Trump presidency would do, and commit to #VoteBlue.
