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Items tagged with: romance

One of my offline friends was telling me, as I was stuffing watermelon into my mouth, that the reason most people detest #Romance books is, yes, because of the smut, but it leads people to confront some human desires they really don't want to think about. She then continued, when reading a romance book, you have to engage in human connections and relationships instead of a fantasy world or a possible dystopian future. Concepts. I was gonna remind her that romances are starting to involve objects and tech now but I let her continue...

And continuing, People hate having to confront their human desires so they'd rather pretend romance is for dumb people and pretend to engage in higher level concepts instead of their own needs or other peoples needs. I dunno if she nailed it but I haven't stopped thinking about it since. #RomanceLandia #Romance @romancelandia