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Items tagged with: Crow

#CrowUpdate Junior keeps on growing. While it still begs for food, s/he can now eat by itself more and more. (pictured: eating by itself with mom.) S/he's also becoming more curious and Mom and Dad sometimes leave it alone (while they go find food?)

🧵 ⤵️ (1/?)

#crow #crows #corvid #corvids

Where are you running with this?

(that's Mr. Crow by the way)

#crow #crow #corvid #bird

#CrowUpdate in four pictures.

1. Hi Mom, what are you doing?
2. Mom? Are you okay?
3. Wait! Are those the peanuts I heard so much about? Can I get some? Please, Mom.
4. Thank you!!!

#crow #crows #fledgling

Mini #CrowUpdate : I got to spend some time with the family tonight after work (the first time in a few days). Everybody seems to be doing fine. Junior can more or less fly now. But it's still scared/intrigued by me and by the fact that Mom and Dad are cool with me.
Impossible to take a picture of the three of them, so it's only Mom and Junior and not even on the same shot.

#Crow #crows #corvid #corvids #fledgling #birds

Today is Tuesday, which means I spent a good chunk of the day at home, which means... #CrowUpdate and a very special one, entirely focused on Baby Crow!!!

I saw it not once, not twice, but three times today!

First, while giving peanuts to Mom, I heard him in the tree nearby. It stayed this way for a little while. I'm not sure if it wanted to jump to the branch close by or if it was looking at Mom collecting the peanuts. Maybe both?


#crow #crows #corvid #corvids #birds

A bit later, Dad was walking on the ground, but acting a little weird. I wondered why, so I went and... lo and behold, baby was on the ground too!!! One of its first times.

It was so cute, grabbing a bunch of things with its beak (leaves, rocks, etc.) basically discovering the world.

I find it a bit skinny. (maybe that's why the parents have been coming to see me for peanuts a lot these days?)

(sorry for the picture quality, I didn't want to get too close)


#crow #crows #corvids