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Items tagged with: UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #EconomicMythsDebunked

[8]Not the rich CEO's create jobs...
ordinairy people with buying power create jobs.
Tax cuts for the rich is just giving money away,
tax cuts for the ordinairy man is what makes the world go round.

"The Job Creation Hoax I 10 Economic Myths Debunked #8 | ROBERT REICH" [2:01 min]
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"Jul 19, 2024
I'm so tired of people pretending the rich are "job creators." Here's who's really creating jobs."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #CapitalismIsFailingYou

#USpolitics #WomensRights #TimeToStandUp

"Time for Women to Stand Up Because It's Either Kamala or Project 2025" [1:55 min]
by NowThis Impact


Quote by NTI:
"Jul 25, 2024
‘Black women, come to the front so we can clock the f*ck in’" [ < 1 min]

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #ImWithHer

#USpolitics #TheView

Whatever you think about #Biden, I don't care. Should he stay or should he go ?
The only thing you accomplish is creating division, doubt and you're undermining the unified resolve to beat Trump !
Not voting 'cause they're all corrupt, or 'cause he didn't do/did what I want is directly voting for Trump and Project 2025 !
The last four years of the Biden administration have been, by far, the most progressive agenda since Roosevelt !
Despite being continuously sabotaged by GOP/MAGA and sometimes a treacherous Democrat.

"Ana Navarro on The View: If you had Trump amnesia, the RNC should’ve cured you. #rnc #project2025" [ < 1 min]
by The Lincoln Project

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #Project2025

You folks need to just listen up for a second....
find out about the shooters dad...he was on a Republican list of gun ownership !
unkown to him, he himself being dead against registration.
Project 2025 is pure fascism.

"For the ammosexuals." [ < 1 min]
by TheRealTexasPaul

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #Solutions for democracy #PopularVote

I often wonder: Why in the greatest democracy of the world 🤣 🤣 doesn't the popular vote not vote the President of that democracy ?
Ancient customs and too high regard for the letter of the constitution.

"Why We Need A National Popular Vote | Robert Reich"
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"15 mei 2023
Twice this century, the loser of the popular vote has won the presidency.
Here's a plan to make sure that never happens again.
If you want to know more or get involved, click the link below to read about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
-> <-
If your state is not already a member, I urge you to contact your state’s senators and reps to get your state on board."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #RVAT

[35]I don't think that anyone on this platform has to be convinced....
but maybe some of the reasoning this Republican voter has
can be used to make some of your friends or family change their mind.

"Our country is going to be absolutely nuts if he gets back in" [ < 1 min]
by Republican Voters Against Trump

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #EconomistsVerdict on #Drumpf

"Economists Say Second Trump Term Would Be Bad for U.S. Economy" [ < 1 min]
by Now This Impact

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot

#USpolitics #WomensRights

"Woman Affected by Abortion Ban Says Tennessee 'Took Her Fertility'" [1:28 min]
by Now This Impact

Quote by NTI:
" 2 jul 2024
Breanna Cecil's already-complicated fertility journey took a turn for the worse because of the abortion ban in her home state of Tennessee"

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot