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Items tagged with: Wordle

#Wordle 1,133 3/6*



#Wordle 1,132 2/6*


I could use it today.

#Wordle 1,131 3/6*


I was surprised after a poor 2 choice.

#Wordle 1,130 4/6*


#Wordle 1,129 3/6*


#Wordle 1,128 5/6*


#Wordle 1,127 2/6*


Dear (predominantly white, male -- not relevant, just mentioning) pundits/influencers hyperventilating about medical issues you are NOT qualified to offer an opinion on:

Has it occurred to you who benefits MOST from the Democratic Party being portrayed as divided a month before the convention? Think about it.

Here's a little #Wordle puzzle that may help.

We are NOT divided, by the way. Ask a person of color who's a registered Democrat if you're curious about this.


