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Items tagged with: norepublicans2024

The debate performance Trump just turned in was the most shameful in U.S. political history. It doesn’t matter who’s running against him because he’s nonviable. And now some news confirms it.

Donald Trump's Shocking Box Score: 602 Lies in Just 40 Minutes, An Unprecedented Tsunami of Deceit That Is Disqualifying

#NeverAgainTrump #VoteBlue #TrumpMustLose2024 #NoRepublicans2024 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy

"Project 2025 is not a game, it’s white Christian nationalism. It is the Sharia Law of the “Christian” crazy people who aren’t Christian at all but want to control every aspect of your life.” — Tariji P. Henson, actor

#NeverAgainTrump #VoteBlue #TrumpMustLose2024 #NoRepublicans2024 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy