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Items tagged with: FollowFriday

My #FollowFriday five for today, (trying to not repeat old suggestions.):

@LambdaCalculus - After I learned to not confuse him for @thegibson because of their similar icons (which aren't similar anymore) I've learned that λ is one of my favorite Townies.
@x00001 - Speaking of Pirate Radio broadwaver λ, The Pirate Queen is another. (I'm still hoping I get my follow request approved someday so I don't have to wait for the re-boosts to see it.)
@binder - Another favorite Townie, Binder is a local!
@freakazoid Another local, who is currently dealing coping this horrible political landscape they live in. (The US, not Pittsburgh specifically.)
@CaptFiction - Making the illadviced return to social media, Cap is a #DrunkPete buddy from way back.

A #FollowFriday Follow-up:

If you prefer the arcane to the technological, be sure to throw @gallowswitch a follow as well.

Dommage que tous les médias ne soient pas chez Mastodon. Merci ici à @cquest qui s'occupe du bot pour #franceinfo. Pour moi, c'est une source importante de partage, car on peut y lire facilement des nouvelles sans paywall. Et ils sont souvent courts - plus faciles pour les personnes qui parlent français comme langue étrangère. Suivez le bot Franceinfo ici: @franceinfo

#FollowFriday #follow #media #news #France #FrenchNews