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Items tagged with: Guitarist

It’s #MusiciansDay today!

I am a musician, and I released an album in February 2024. It took well over a decade of my life to finish, and I am very proud of it.

It's an instrumental rock guitar album called “Love and Painkillers” and it is on Bandcamp here:

If you like Joe Satriani, George Lynch, Marty Friedman, Paul Gilbert, or all the other shredders I will never be anywhere near as good as, you just might like my tunes too.


Why yes, it IS Bandcamp Friday. That means that if you buy music from Bandcamp today, then Bandcamp waive their cut and the artist gets more of the money.

Why am I reminding you of this? Because in February of this year, I released my second solo album “Love & Painkillers”. It was a looooong project and a labour of love, and I am very happy with the result.

And it is on Bandcamp!

If you like instrumental guitar rock, give it a listen. Thanks. You look fab today, by the way.
