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Items tagged with: Immigrants

"Rarely, if ever, has a presidential campaign collapsed from seeming assurance into utter chaos as Trump-Vance has. The campaign seems to have stumbled into a strange unintended message: 'Let’s go to war with Taylor Swift to stop Haitians from eating dogs.'”

~ David Frum

#Trump #JDVance #TaylorSwift #immigrants #Haitians #lies

Gift link below is from Jim Swift at the Bulwark. If it doesn't work here, I suggest clicking the link at Swift's Substack blog.

City Manager Bryan Heck fielded an unusual question at City Hall on the morning of Sept 9, from a staff member of #Republican #Trump VP nom #JDVance. The staffer called to ask if there was any truth to bizarre rumors about #Haitian #immigrants & pets in #Springfield.

“He asked point-blank, ‘Are the rumors true of pets being taken & eaten?’” recalled Heck. “I told him no. There was no verifiable evidence or reports to show this was true. I told them these claims were baseless.”


#Trump, #Outrage & the Modern Era of #PoliticalViolence
The latest apparent assassination attempt against Trump indicates how much the American political landscape has been shaped by #anger stirred by him & against him.
Within days of Trump #vilifying #immigrants on national TV w/ #lies about #Haitian #immigrants eating pets in #Ohio, people began threatening to blow up #schools, #CityHall & other public bldgs, forcing #evacuations & prompting a wave of #fear.

The "#Haitian #Immigrants eating pets" story illustrates two things:

1) There are a LOT of stupid people who believe everything they read on the Internet.

2) One of them is running for president. 😒

No. Huge lifelong #racist that he is, there is ZERO doubt in my mind he full believes (present tense) that #Immigrants are eating #dogs & #cats" (b/c to him, it sounds like something they would do.)

That's his perception of the world. If a country's population is not white, it's a $#!+hole country.

THE WOMAN RESPONSIBLE for the "#Haitian #Immigrants ate the neighbor's #cat" tweet that #DementiaDon repeated on nation-wide TV, sparking threats of violence against Haitians in her hometown of #Springfield, now apologizes and admits she had "no first hand knowledge" (her "neighbor's daughter's friend") of any incident and never intended it to lead to violence. 😐 #Dogs

His remarks were the latest in a swirl of canards that #Trump has spread about #Haitian #immigrants, despite [#law enforcement], #local [+ #state & #federal government] officials debunking the claims [over & over & over]. Leaders in #Springfield have said the claims are harming the #community, which has been forced to #evacuate #schools, #CityHall & other buildings after receiving #threats due to Trump’s remarks.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #dangerous #racist #ConspiracyTheories #WhiteNationalism

For days, #Trump & his allies have zeroed in on #Springfield, #Ohio, [knowingly] amplifying *baseless claims* [LIES] that #Haitian #immigrants there are eating others’ pets. The promotion of such rumors, which thrust the city into the national spotlight [& made it a target for #WhiteNationalist #DomesticViolentExtremists], is rooted in a centuries-old #racist trope of #vilifying newcomers to the #UnitedStates & highlights the country’s present-day divides, historians say.

Since the 1st wave of Chinese #immigrants arrived in the 1800s, they—along w/others from European, Asian or Latin American nations—have been the subject of cartoons, newspaper articles, caricatures & books that were used by some in #politics & #media to spread anti-immigrant rhetoric & instill #fear in other residents, experts said.

“My first thought was: Here we go again. This is a trope we’ve seen time & time again that is used to ‘other’ people of color [&] new immigrants.” said Anita Mannur

Joyce Vance quotes Greg Sargent, who says,

"Fact-checking MAGA's vile lie about cat-eating Haitians misses the point. It's an *open* assertion of the power to lie with impunity about immigrants as a prelude to 'bloody' removals of millions."

Then she adds,

"It's not just that the Haitian story is ridiculous. It's not just that it’s a lie."

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #immigrants #Haitians #Ohio #lies #xenophobia #Nazis #genocide

POS #TedCruz Shares #Racist #Immigration #Conspiracy

Sen Ted Cruz has joined the “Haitian #immigrants are eating house cats” [idiotic] #ConspiracyTheory, sharing a meme…on Mon that he presumably thinks is funny.

But as the internet was quick to remind him, Cruz probably shouldn’t be getting involved in spreading any #ConspiracyTheories involving pets.

#TedCruzSucks #VoteColinAllred

"The Trump-Musk alliance is about their unquenchable thirst for power. Also their hatred of women, trans people, and immigrants. But it has nothing to do with 'wasteful spending,' no matter what the New York Times tells you. ...

The New York Times can pretend to believe that, but we don’t have to."

~ Jamison Foser

#KamalaHarris #Trump #media #misogyny #trans #immigrants #xenophobia #NewYorkTimes

#Trump has issued yet another ominous warning about his potential 2nd term, this time promising a "bloody story" for the millions of #immigrants he intends to #deport.

He made the comments at a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Sat, echoing the broader RNC’s 2024 platform. The #GOP's plans for US after a Trump victory include aggressive #immigration enforcement & #MassDeportations.

#ConcentrationCamps #PoliticalViolence #WhiteNationalism #racism #WhiteSupremacy #Project2025

#law #HarrisWalz2024