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Items tagged with: Librem5

I remember how nervous I was when (in early 2020) I went to the post office with my #Librem5 📱 to drop off a 📦 and present the barcode on the phone. (Having previously scp'ed the pdf to the phone to show it in evince).

Would the 🔋 last? Would it overheat? Would the display stack hold? It worked.

Nowadays I don't spend a thought: Fill in the data on my laptop, save the pdf, have it synced automatically via #syncthing to #phosh's ticket-box folder and show it at the counter. ✅


Just want to quickly share with #linuxmobile folks that the new #libcamera softwareISP does indeed work with the #librem5 - and with a #PipeWire + #GStreamer pipeline. Here's a first image running Warp (from Flathub).

There's still some stuff to iron out to make this work reliably and ship to users - but things are falling into place.

Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (3/2023): Pinhole photography

#linuxmobile #sailfishos #pinephone #librem5 #capyloon