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Items tagged with: autonomy

"Federal Grants (to local LE) Send Warzone Tech To USA Streets" To Tracking Wireless / Bluetooth Signals & More

(self driving tech also carries plenty to offer)

Yet another reminder: the very tech developed & many support for overseas use, eventually makes its way back home

No company calls it quits after war - they localize, lobby PD

#News #privacy #tracking #Tech #HumanRights #autonomy #infosec #USA #WiFi #bluetooth #policing

How to know when you've crossed over to full, freakin' paranoia?? When you read an article like this & immediately envision #Christofascist legislation to grow "abandoned" frozen embryos via artificial wombs so they can become neglected, traumatized kids--oops, I mean properly-educated RW voters. Voila... the next anti-abortion tool. 🤦‍♀️

I def need a day away from the computer.

#autonomy #USPol

⚕️ 🌊 If this doesn't scare & infuriate you, I don't know what will.

"even if a pregnant patient had a prior written, notarized advance directive stating that they would not want to be kept on organ support if they weren’t likely to ever recover, a doctor could be required under 30 state laws to ignore those wishes and keep her alive.... in 12 of those states, that requirement would be in place even if the pregnancy was not viable."

#abortion #autonomy #choice
