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Items tagged with: inclusivity

This has been (and still is) a very special week. The past 7 days have been emotionally (and, to a lesser extent, work-wise) very challenging. And even when I'm tired, I realize that, in my opinion, I have the best job in the world. Because working with open-source tools provides everyone with the same opportunities, in the most open and free manner possible. Few fields offer the same conditions, and I feel like I belong to a great group, a group of passionate and constructive people, without any distinctions of any kind.

#OpenSource #BestJobEver #Community #Inclusivity #TechLife

Freedom isn’t freedom if it’s only for abled people.

Then again, there’s a reason you don’t see the word “freedom” in “open source.”

And there’s a reason “share alike” is just one of the principles of Small Technology, alongside a non-colonial approach, inclusivity, and others. (

#openSource #ableism #foss #freedom #accessibility #a11y #inclusivity #SmallTech