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Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa presents:

Forgotten Refugees Film - Full length version n Vimeo

"...Directed by Michael Grynszpan and produced by Avi Goldwasser, the Forgotten Refugees won the “Best Featured Documentary” award at the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival and the “Best Documentary Film” award at the 2007 Marbella Film Festival.

“The Forgotten Refugees” is an excellent film that seeks not to indoctrinate but to educate. The interviews with many Mizrachi Jews make clear that the question of identity and allegiance is still a troubling one for many of them. The viewer sees the pain of people scorned by their longtime Muslim neighbors. Understandably, these Jews continue to feel a deep connection to their traditional Arabic food, music and language..."

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#Mazeldon #Jewniverse #JFedi #Jewish #Judaism #Sephardi #Mizrahi #JewishHistory #MENA