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Items tagged with: voting

weird definition of vote shaming.

But yeah, if you vote for a bad representative, maybe you should feel some shame?

It has absolutely nothing to do with anything involving wealth.

If you used your vote to vote for a representative who has built a record of doing a bad job representing you, well, that was an active and voluntary move on your part, and maybe you should feel some shame about that.

No it’s not voter suppression, it’s talking about voter power, the power that voters are using to reelect really awful people.

You’re able to vote for awful people. You probably shouldn’t, though. But it’s up to you.

#USPolitics #voting #democracy

As #Elections Loom, Congressional Maps Challenged as Discriminatory Will Remain in Place

With control of the House of Representatives hanging in the balance, the time-consuming appeals process means elections in multiple districts will take place using maps that have been challenged as discriminatory to #voters of color.

#Voting #SouthCarolina #Florida #Election #Gerrymandering #News #Law #Congress #Politics