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It's not a great sign when the chairman of a committee charged with studying the potential impact of AI starts off by saying, "I believe the only way we will stay the No. 1 place to do business is if we are going to be the No. 1 place for artificial intelligence in the future as well."
in reply to L. Rhodes

yep. They just need to work out a way of having a planet to live on be more financially profitable than the dividend they make from the tech bro's. Once they work that out we can have oceans and air.
in reply to L. Rhodes

Here, let's tie together three recent news stories:

• AI Study Committee chairman argues for making #Georgia the "No. 1 place" for AI:

• Georgia approves plans to expand fossil fuel energy production to meet demand from data centers:

• Union of Concerned Scientists identifies 10 pieces of Georgia infrastructure, including superfund sites, likely to flood every other week by 2050 due to #climateChange.

in reply to L. Rhodes

Incidentally, Georgia's long-standing title as "the No. 1 state for business" is awarded by Area Development, a magazine for executives devoted to "corporate site selection and relocation," and decided according to criteria like "Favorable Regulatory Environment" and "Speed of Project Permitting." It's helped along by weak worker protections, like "right-to-work" laws. "No. 1 state for business" is basically a euphemism for all of the ways Georgia enriches corporations at its citizens' expense.
in reply to L. Rhodes

maybe their desks will float when their city sinks. but i wouldn't count on the same for their safes.
in reply to L. Rhodes

Seems like a perfect way to open the debate about tying FEMA benefits to #ClimateCatastrophe actions/inactions.