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I remember seeing Interstellar in theaters when it was released…and hating it. I have since grown to like the movie after multiple viewings.

The movie is getting a second release this September, I am looking forward to seeing it again on the big screen ten years later.

#movies #scifi

in reply to steve mookie kong


For the most part, It's really slow but I've always liked #Interstellar

Partly, it's because #MatthewMcConaughey** **#JessicaChastain & #AnneHathaway are 3 of my favorite actors from the current era and that #MichaelCaine & #EllenBursten are favorite actors of mine from the past.

But also because like the way it deals with the space-time continuum & the search for alternative sites for human habitation.

I like #MattDamon as an actor too but what I like least about the movie is how his character behaves which I consider an unnecessary distraction but it is what it is. 🤷‍♂️

in reply to sgt1372

I love most all of the movie except two things. The first is the sappy love travels across time and space thing. And the second is the not very subtle Matt Damon character -- including his name Mann.

You know that the movie was originally supposed to be a Spielberg film? They first half was basically he movie that Spielberg was going to make.

in reply to sgt1372

I remember liking this part...

and thinking they could have all survived. Why does one person always have to pause and look? 🤔

in reply to Starcade

IKR? Though, I wonder if I'd be that person. "That's not a mountain range, those are huge waves..." stares into impending death by water... Sploosh.
in reply to steve mookie kong

When he says, "That's not a mountain range..." I wouldn't even wait for him to finish that sentence, especially If I'm on another planet. That the part when I drop everything I'm doing, run for the door and start powering up the thrusters. 🙂
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