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There’s no need to believe fearmongering that some election officials might subvert the results of this presidential election by refusing to certify results if Trump loses.

A leading election law expert explains how laws provide safeguards to prevent that from happening:
#USPolitics #Election2024

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Laws can be broken, and today's MAGA Republican party openly celebrates and sympathizes with lawbreakers.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You should absolutely feel bad for posting it.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

We need safeguards to prevent a fraudulent election. The 'certification of results' conversation promotes the ability for fraud. Because now if there is actual fraud, there are protections against anyone trying to uncover it.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

uhh they can damn sure try and intimidate til people bend to their will-why is the leading electionattorney in the country saying we should worry so obviously we should worry