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Will #Israel and #Iran now escalate into full-scale warfare, or will they return to the "shadow war" they've been fighting for decades?

An expert on U.S. national security and counterterrorism who served on the National Intelligence Council says there's reason to believe Iran will be wary of making additional public attacks
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in reply to The Conversation U.S.

they will go back to shadow war stuff since nobody can really win an open war.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

> Will Israel and Iran now escalate into full-scale warfare, or will they return to the "shadow war" they've been fighting for decades?

Let's not forget that Iran has a theocracy as a reaction to the dictator installed by a US-backed coup. Nor that the theocracy has copious small allies in the region that emerged in reaction to USSR and US invasions, and other covert interference like that coup and the CIA training of Mujahideen fighters. This is a mess of Empire's making.