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Items tagged with: News

If Kamala Harris wins the election, it will be a huge disappointment for the Kremlin,” said Tatiana Stanovaya, the founder of R.Politik, a Russian political consultancy now based in France. “Not because they expect some concrete anti-Russian steps but because the nature of American politics will become, from their point of view, irrational and unpragmatic and self-destructive.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #BreakingNews #Breaking

The US government CAN administer #reparations if it chose to:
The federal government has paid compensation to victims of terrorism, wrongful convictions, natural disasters and Japanese American interned during WWII. It has paid coal miners, farmers and fishermen, and partial restitution to thousands of descendants of Native American tribes.
These programs refute that they would be too difficult and expensive to administer.
#BlackMastodon @blackmastodon #News

“Since Texas was part of Mexico, they decided all the Indians were Mexicans. They were looked at not as Indigenous people but as Mexican immigrants.”

From the archives: Lipan Apaches are challenging the myth that their tribe was wiped out.

#history #culture #Texas #Indigenous #news #photography #racism

For a long time I struggled with myself to not seem like a bully and someone who spreads hate and then I realized I am not alone, there is already a petition 👇🏼👇🏼

Here is my contribution


#ioc #olympics #olympicgames #humanity #social #socialmedia #YouWinAgainSi #mastodon #fediverse #rape #no #olympics2024 #paris2024 #question #betterworld #GiveThemAVoice #news

Asphalt burns, delirium, body bags: extreme heat overwhelms ERs across US #breakingnews #news


Michigan pollsters discovered this week that NOT A SINGLE PERSON of color they polled, would vote for Donald Trump in a Trump vs. Harris presidential matchup!

The poll included 100 people of color.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump


If you're wondering what war looks like.

This is an episode of small arms battle in the Luhansk region.

A Ukrainian soldier of the Burevii Brigade's Khoryv Operations Battalion with the call sign "Hunter" received wounds in both legs during the close combat, but he continued the battle, pulling a seriously wounded brother-in-arms for 7 kilometers, who, thanks to "Hunter," survived.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #BreakingNews #Breaking

So digging into the Flipboard Fediverse feeds I have found this link to all Flipboard Federated Accounts on Google Sheets

#FlipBoard #News #Magazines

A Judge Ruled a #Louisiana Prison’s #HealthCare System Has Failed Inmates for Decades. A Federal #Law Could Block Reforms.

The #Prison Litigation Reform Act was passed to curtail the number of lawsuits filed by inmates over conditions behind bars. It has kept courts from forcing Louisiana to overhaul the medical system in its largest prison.

#News #CriminalJustice #CivilRights #HumanRights #Health #Government

One poll, they might all be fake, etc.


"Her level of support at the start of her campaign exceeds the highest level of support we gauged for Biden since tracking began in late 2022, with fewer voters now indicating they’ll vote third party." #news #politics

Putin has authorized stealing foreign technologies in the production of weapons.

The relevant decree, which is published on the portal of Russian legal acts, allows Russian weapons designers to use foreign intellectual property in their work without actually asking the right holders of this property for permission.

Russia's latest equipment now uses more than 450 different imported components, including those from the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and European countries.
#AureFreePress #News

Two recent Supreme Court rulings on congressional redistricting have different short-term consequences for Black voters in the 2024 election.

One ruling boosted Black voting power in Louisiana, while another decision upheld a South Carolina congressional map that reduced Black voting power.

But long-term, both rulings reflect a willingness to let legislatures do what they want, without effective judicial review
#BlackMastodon @blackmastodon #News #Voting

Heard of Project 2025, yet? The presidential transition plan with nearly 900 pages of conservative policy suggestions includes calling for the sacking of thousands of civil servants, expanding the power of the president, eliminating #DEI programs, dismantling the Department of Education and more.
Behind it all: The Heritage Foundation – which has been pushing Republicans toward more conservative policies for more than 50 years.
#USPolitics #RNC #Election #Trump #News

Our top story: Two years after the constitutional right to #abortion was eliminated, what’s left of Texans’ reproductive rights is ambiguous.

#photography #news #women #politics #USpol #Texas #RoeVWade

This year has felt like nonstop #news, with significant events coming on a weekly or even daily basis. But it's not unique in #history.

For example, there was 1940: War, the draft and FDR’s historic reelection.

1968: Assassinations, political turmoil and more war.

1973 had legal abortion, a historic peace deal, Watergate and plenty of political mayhem.

#Histodons @histodons #USPolitics

Transfemicide becomes a crime in a ‘watershed’ moment for Mexico City #breakingnews #news

These are the estimates of Russia’s combat losses as of July 24, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia

Mary Trump: Kamala Harris terrifies my 'flailing' uncle to the 'point of incoherence'

"...His childish nickname for her is 'laughing Kamala' because she feels joy, and joy is something he has never experienced and doesn’t understand. Faced with the reality that he is now running against a vibrant, intelligent, experienced woman who is fully two decades younger than he is, Donald spent Sunday and Monday flailing..."

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats


The wealthy former wife of Bill Gates will be throwing her influence behind Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential race.

Melinda Gates, 59, took to social media on Tuesday to declare her support for Harris, praising the VP's leadership skills and commitment to change.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline

Russian and Belarusian Olympic athletes accused of supporting war in Ukraine #breakingnews #news

Beyoncé OKs Kamala Harris’ Use of ‘Freedom’ as an Official Campaign Song
#Variety #News #Beyoncé #KamalaHarris

Where Javan leopards thrive, the diversity and abundance of other wildlife species is also enhanced, a new study shows.

Researchers used camera traps across Java from 2020 to 2022 to identify the richness of animal life in areas with more leopards.

Many of these species, such as barking deer and wild boar, are leopard prey, while others, such as dhole wild dogs and Javan rhinos, aren’t.

By Basten Gokkon

#News #Conservation #Environment #Wildlife

Raw Story:
'Voters simply don't like him': Ex-GOP pollster has crushing news for J.D. Vance

Sarah Longwell, a former Republican pollster who is now working to defeat former President Donald Trump, delivered some bad news...

"I’ve done a couple swing voter groups since the Vance VP announcement and these voters simply do not like him," she said.

...voters have increasingly expressed concerns about Project 2025...

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats

"[U.S.] House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries announced Tuesday the creation of a bipartisan task force to investigate the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, adding to the congressional panels that are looking into the shooting at his rally in Pennsylvania."

CBS News reports:

#Trump #TrumpShooting #Congress #USPolitics #Politics #Assassination #News

"There was an obvious security failure, and you don’t need my background to know that.
How did it happen, why did it happen, and how do you prevent it from happening again?"

A conversation with a scholar of counter-terrorism:
#News #BreakingNews #TrumpShot #USPolitics

"We are not going back!"
- VP Harris on Trump's dark past as President

Meeting with staffers, Kamala Harris framed her campaign against Donald J. Trump as a choice between the future and a dark past.

Democrats said they would select a nominee by Aug. 7 in an online vote.

It has been confirmed Harris has enough votes to win on the first vote at Democratic convention!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Harris

"A Waste of Taxpayer Money"

MAGA airhorn Republican Lauren Boebert spent her work day (paid by taxpayers) on social media demanding President Biden show himself on live video - she believes he's actually dead!

Boebert, Greene, Gaetz,... there are no explanations for that high level of MAGA stupidity!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

Last month, Putin sent his troops to certain death on the front by riding Chinese golf carts.

This week, Putin is sending his troops to death by riding motorcycles!

An unsuccessful attempt by Russian infantry to storm Ukrainian positions on motorcycles
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia


A small Republican political action committee that styles itself as a disaffected group of Nikki Haley supporters who are committed to keeping Donald Trump out of the White House announced their endorsement of Kamala Harris for president
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Harris #USA #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

Yep, a self-healing metal.

Scientists have discovered that metal-halide perovskite, a next-generation semiconductor material, can self-heal from radiation damage in space. And this could be a game-changer for space-based solar panels and future power generation.

#Space #Research #Engineering #News

Canada wildfires drive hundreds from homes as more scorching heat forecast #breakingnews #news