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LBJ knew when to call it quits.

RBG did not.

And for you sports fans, Jason Kelce knew when to retire, too, bowing out after a Super Bowl win. #Biden #Election2024 #News #uspolitics

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

And LBJ quitting gave us Nixon, Southern Strategy, and ultimately Project 2025. So yeah your fascist-tainted analysis sucks. This ain’t a game for the rest of us. Bye.


in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Yeah, and LBJ standing down led to a new golden age for the Democrats, right?

No! It led to Nixon. So, careful what you wish for.

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Some folks know what an election cycle looks like, others are silly, self-involved pundits who will take any silly excuse to run around like Chicken Little and attract attention. They are the folks who help Trump rise despite claiming he's a danger and they will be the once to help him get elected again. Because they'd rather hear themselves shriek than row the boat.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Hey, thanks a lot for joining the chorus intent on giving us another Trump term.


in reply to The Conversation U.S.

You know what else is important? Knowing when to shut up and support America's only hope for survival. You DO NOT infight when the enemy is beating on the gates.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

LBJ didn't run. What ensued at the convention? Who won the next election? Go to hell. Swim in Kremlin propaganda, why don't you? 🖕
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

you've made a few iffy posts recently, but I erred on the side of perhaps not understanding deeper intent.

I got this one loud and clear, though.