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This entry was edited (3 days ago)

Roni Laukkarinen reshared this.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

where does it sync/store your files? I am avoiding and services that store my files in the cloud. I would like to see an app have the option for me to self-host my data on my server.
in reply to Michael Bishop ☕


It stores them all locally as .md files.

I actually figured out a way to host my own "cloud" with Obsidian.


Managed to get headless @obsidian to run on a remote non-gui server to use it as "root sync server" for my notes, for terminal editing, cronjobs etc. Might write up a blog post about this soon.

#Notes #NoteTaking #Servers #SelfHosting

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

I'm really curious to hear how it's going! Did you end up choosing between Obsidian and something like Logseq? It sounds like the move to Obsidian has been quite a journey with all the customization options. I'd love to know how you're finding the transition, especially with all those notes to manage!
in reply to coffe☕

@coffe I might write a blog post, especially now when I have a headless Obsidian GUI serving as a "root server" for GitHub.

I compared 20 different note taking apps for months, yes Logseq was one of them, didn't find it as appealing. With Obsidian I get all the features I ever need from a note app or PKM. @obsidian

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Resistance is futile. One day you'll host Nextcloud too 😁
in reply to Ilkka Tengvall

@ikkeT I already hosted Nextcloud and OwnCloud for years, but because I have an endless storage from Google (legacy enterprise Drive), I decided to give it up...
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

I tried using Obsidian several years ago, but got overwhelmed. It was a rabbit hole that turned into a rabbit hole universe - or something like that. Still, I'm curious to see what they are up to, these days. Maybe I'll check it out again. . .
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to JeanEvergreen

@JeanEvergreen Last time I used @obsidian was years ago. Back then it was a mess and I didn't like the editor even after my own CSS theme. But now it seems more polished and I love it. I have a custom.css file of course, but not much tweaks needed.

Yes, the customization is ENDLESS but everything seems better now.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Few months ago I moved my 10+ year old notes pile from Evernote to Obsidian. Converting 16k notes from their format to Markdown took a while and mindmap graph is too slow to use. I'm not entirely free from Evernote yet as I haven't found good replacement for their webclipper browser extension. I currently use to convert and save new clipped notes as Markdown files into Nextcloud.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

would it be possible to publish an Obsidian graph view online embedded to a website? I'd want to do a technology inventory and I think it would be more usable if the links between challenges, solutions could be made visible.
in reply to Markus Ojala

@mojala Yes, with Obsidian Publish
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

no thanks, it was right there, but I succeeded in missing it. Thanks again!
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Cheers to owning your data without having to go through all the dances between formats/apps! 🍻
