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#RegreSSHion: Remote Code Execution #Vulnerability In #OpenSSH Server


#exploit #security #software #server #news #update #patch #cybersecurity

in reply to anonymiss

Yikes! This is one of the most important pieces of software on any network connected system!
in reply to anonymiss

Why the hell hasn't this software been audited with a fine-tooth comb - and then audited again by another group of people???
in reply to anonymiss

"OpenBSD systems are unaffected by this bug, as OpenBSD developed a secure mechanism in 2001 that prevents this vulnerability."


in reply to anonymiss

I love this comment on Phoronix:

"Jia Tan: fails to add backdoor

OpenSSH devs: hold my beer"

in reply to anonymiss

Maybe if we programmed this in Rust that would solve all of our problems?

... which leads me to ask: If Rust is all that great, why are so few programs written in it?

in reply to anonymiss

@tomgrzybow In my opinion (which I reserve the right to change without notice,) and speaking only for myself, given all the tools that are available right now in 2024 (including AI generated code) Rust is not a panacea nor do (again in my opinion) Rust's creators and primary advocates claim anything of the sort.
in reply to anonymiss

There is no "panacea" as such, but most of these attacks are based upon memory management defects.
in reply to anonymiss

Memory management defects (over-writes, readings out of bounds, etc.) are outside of the logic of the program itself.