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A reader takes exception to my statement that the behavior many US corporate media journalists have exhibited in recent years as they deal so radically unequally with the two major political parties points to a moral failing that shows many journalists now as morally unserious, ethically underdeveloped human beings.

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

I've linked — again — Lawrence O'Donnell's scathing takedown of this disparity and of how journalists behaved at Trump's recent press "conference" because it underscores the point I'm making.

The long passage I'm going to transcribe now needs to be read and re-read and saved as an important historical record from this period.

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

After showing a clip of how abominably reporters treated Biden as they screamed at him in fury when they were hot to attack him, O'Donnell says,

"Donald Trump did not hear that sound today. He did not hear that screaming. If Donald Trump gets back in the White House, he will never hear that sound from those people. Never!"

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"If Vice-President Harris stands in front of those same reporters, do you think they will be as tame, and reserved, and polite, as they were with Donald Trump today? Or will it look like this?" Then he shows a clip of reporters screaming at Press-Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as they hounded her about false reports insinuating that doctors had treated Biden for Parkinson's disease.

After showing that clip, he states,

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"They kept yelling at her. 'You’re not answering the question.’ They were outraged. But she was actually answering the question! They don’t know what an answer is! And what they were pursuing turned out to be a lie. The next day, not one of them had a single question about what they were just screaming about in the White House Press briefing room because there was never anything to the story they were pursuing."

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"It turns out a doctor who is a Parkinson’s specialist visited the White House a few times as that doctor had been doing for years before the Biden Presidency, and that doctor never once visited the White House to visit President Biden….

And all the wrath those reporters in that room that you just saw, all the wrath that they put into those questions, just evaporated because they were completely wrong."

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"And they never apologized for their misplaced anger in their treatment of Press-Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Not one of them dared to yell at Donald Trump today. Not one of them! Not one of them dared to yell at Donald Trump today, 'You're not answering the question.' So the special treatment that Donald Trump gets from the Supreme Court and elsewhere extends, tragically and harmfully, and always has, to much of the Press Corps.”

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

I stand by my statement that this behavior and the disparity in how significant parts of the journalistic sector have treated Biden and his team and how they treat Trump betrays deep moral failings and a lack of sound ethical development and grounding.

Toadying up to empty power is deeply immoral.

Allowing obviously empty and malicious power to lie boldly when you proclaim yourself a "reporter" of truth is deeply immoral.

#Trump #media #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Arrogating to yourself the "right" and privilege to scream abusively at an African-American woman while treating a rich white man as if he's entitled to pour out malicious and harmful lies: this shows some deep character flaws rooted in lack of moral development.

Screaming nonsense at that African-American woman and not even apologizing to her when it turns out you were wildly wrong: just what kind of mature and ethical human beings are you?

#Trump #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

And not only have they done this for some years now — some of us are old enough to remember how they treated Hillary Clinton in contrast to how they treated Trump in 2016 — but they continue, as if we can't see what they're doing, can't see the shallow, shameless, human beings they're revealing themselves to be, showing to us an arrogance that is the very antithesis of ethical ideals.

#Trump #CorporateMedia #MediaFail #democracy

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