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"I’ve always been more 'Let’s just kick the fascists' asses' than 'Blue no matter who.'

But I will obviously support anyone Democrats nominate over Donald Trump. That’s the easiest choice of my life that doesn’t involve waffle fries.

When it all comes down to it, I’m a single-issue voter. My issue is that I’d like to keep voting."

~ Jason Sattler

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"And a voter for an aspiring dictator backed by the world’s greediest fascists and oligarchs and enabled by a stolen and broken Republican Supreme Court is a vote for your vote never to matter again."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Biden’s announcement turns a time of discord and distress for the Democratic Party into a time of opportunity and purpose. Democrats should seize the moment and rally behind the Vice President as our nominee and not wait until the formal nomination at the convention almost a month away."

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"It’s too much time to waste, when the party needs to unify now and get on with the urgent business of running Donald Trump and his gaggle of discontents and fellow criminals into the river.

Joe Biden has taken the step so many have urged on him. We should thank him and unite, move forward, fight as a team and beat Trump."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"I will put on my boots and go to work day one. I will knock doors in rural spaces for a woman running to extend democracy for at least four more years. A qualified and vetted woman who will keep us on track.

We have to beat Trump, but after that, we need a reckoning in the party."

~ Jess Piper

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Even if she takes the nomination by acclamation, we will know much more about the prospects of an institutional defense against Trump by whether the media that once pushed Biden from the race now finds reason to dislike Harris, or to suggest she is an unworthy of a position she has spent the last four years preparing for."

~ Don Moynihan

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats #media

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Democrats should lean on and reward Black leaders who have been the most loyal and staunch supporters of the Biden-Harris ticket. The Congressional Black Caucus, minus one individual, stayed united and steadfast in promoting the Biden-Harris ticket, and now they’re fully behind Harris. Black voters, especially Black women, are the strongest base of the Democratic Party."

~ Wajahat Ali

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats #BlackVoters

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Speaking of Black women, Kamala Harris should be fully unleashed now as President Biden finishes his term. She is the best one to prosecute the case against Trump and MAGA’s extremist Project 2025 agenda. Biden can govern but he can’t articulate the case in public as well as Harris, so let her do it, especially when it comes to GOP’s kryptonite: abortion and women’s rights. Trump and the GOP can’t run away from their misogyny and cruelty."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats #BlackVoters #women

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Biden’s decision has given the Democratic Party a window of narrative dominance. It’s the biggest story in politics, and most Americans will come to understand its significance on Democratic terms—that Biden did something fundamentally patriotic, when he realized his campaign, under his direction as an 81 year old man, had created an intolerable risk of allowing Donald Trump to become president again."

~ Brian Beutler

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"I urge all of you to take the president’s lead and stand with Kamala Harris in the battle against Trump. President Biden has sacrificed for his country and we should honor his decision by looking forward to the race ahead and working for the Democrats’ success."

~ Steven Beschloss

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"For three and a half years, she has been the person the national-security apparatus would turn to if anything happened to the president. She’s become stronger and stronger as a public figure. The party doesn’t have the luxury of wasting time figuring out who else can gain support. For the party it’s time to mobilize behind her…."

~ James Fallows

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The endorsements have continued to roll in since Biden led the way, with President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Representative James Clyburn, the South Carolina Democrat who launched Joe Biden’s successful run in 2020, following suit."

~ Joyce Vance

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"And as one of my friends pointed out, this means that so many of Trump’s 'arguments' are gone in one fell swoop: President Biden’s age, Hunter Biden, the whole 'Biden crime family' corruption allegations. All out the door.

This is the poetic justice the country has been looking for and richly deserves: A highly qualified, talented Black woman, a former prosecutor, will be the one to take down Donald Trump."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Nothing says women refuse to accept second-class citizenship like electing one. I have no doubt she can do it, and I look forward to watching the support she receives from Hillary Clinton, her sorors, and pretty much everyone in America who loves democracy. We have work to do!"

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Donald Trump and Chris LaCivita are about to hit Kamala Harris with an avalanche of racist and sexist attacks and a ton of slut-shaming. Democrats across the board need to be saying now what we all know, which is that this will bring out the very worst of Trump. Racism and sexism are his brand. Charlottesville is his brand."

~ Josh Marshall

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"You can’t just be on the receiving end of this stuff. Trump is about to show the kind of gutter white nationalist and racist pol he is. Force the press and all observers to see this totally predictable move through that prism.

Trump is losing the campaign he wanted to run, the one he and his campaign have spent years planning to run. ...

But Trump the racist bully and gangster is what kills him in the suburbs. It’s what embarrasses people."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The last month has been nonstop agony for Democrats. As time went on it wasn’t even one kind of agony. But each day new and different kinds of agony. Even people I know who were deeply against this happening now seem relieved to move past this period of paralysis. Once President Biden endorsed Harris all those agonized feelings rushed forward into a sense of relief and for many excitement."

~ Josh Marshall

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"President Joe Biden has chosen to put his country over his own ego, a heroic decision that shows the difference between a political party and a cult of personality. ...

Now that Biden is stepping down, perhaps all the false equivalency can end. Biden is a good man, and he’s been a good and consequential president with a first-term record most of his predecessors would envy."

~ Tom Nichols

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Biden’s decision is now also a challenge to every voter in the pro-democracy coalition to live by their words. For two years, many Americans lamented the choice between the aging Biden and the dissolute, unbalanced Trump. Their wish has been granted: They will now likely have a choice between a shouty, 78-year-old habitual liar whose life is a record of shame and failure"

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"and a 59-year-old woman who has served honorably as a big-state attorney general, a senator, and the vice president of the United States."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Biden’s decision has left the Republicans in deep trouble, and they are illustrating their dilemma with high-pitched anger that the ticket of their opponents has changed and by insisting that if Biden is not fit for another four-year term he must resign the presidency immediately. ...

The Republicans’ anger reflects that fact that if Biden is off the ticket, they are in yet another pickle."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

" Just last week, the Republicans nominated Donald Trump, who is 78, for president. Having made age their central complaint about Biden, they are now faced with having nominated the oldest candidate in U.S. history, who repeatedly fell asleep at his own nominating convention as well as his criminal trial, who often fumbles words, and who cannot seem to keep a coherent train of thought."

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"A president gets, at most, two lines above the fold on his Wikipedia page. That’s it. That’s how history judges them.

Here is Joe Biden’s legacy: He beat back America’s first authoritarian attempt. And when he realized that he could not do it a second time, he stepped away so someone else could.

This is enough to make him—already, today, on July 21, 2024—our greatest living president."

~ Jonathan V. Last

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Democrats

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in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"The hard work ahead is for Harris and all who believe in democracy with her to take the offensive and push HARD against Trump and MAGA about Trump’s clear record of deceit, dishonesty, incompetence, corruption, and mental unfitness to be chief executive of the United States.

The issue has now shifted from Biden’s impairments due to aging to Trump’s unfitness because he is a corrupt, mentally unstable, sociopathic idiot."

~ Wendell Griffen

#KamalaHarris #Trump

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

"Kamala Harris is, at this point, an ideal candidate.

She’s a prosecutor. Donald Trump is a convicted felon.

She’s a woman. Donald Trump’s hand-picked justices overturned Roe.

She’s the Vice President, so she can still run on the record of the incumbent administration. Donald Trump is the former President with a disastrous record, still in denial that he lost in 2020.

She exudes competence. He’s a bungling authoritarian."

~ Dave Karpf

#KamalaHarris #Trump