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#Telegram: Pavel was not arrested because he criticised #Macron. He was arrested because he facilitates a wide range of #crimes, including #drug trafficking and #ransomware groups.


#news #france #fishy #crime #cybercrime #PavelDurov #problem #security #privacy #encryption #messenger

in reply to anonymiss

Using that logic, the CEO of every phone company should be locked up, the director of every nation's mail system should be locked up. the contractor who paves the roads should be locked up, pretty much everyone should be locked up, and I can guarantee everyone that if Durov had provided a back door key, all of these "crimes" would never have been considered.
in reply to anonymiss

if the phone company CEO knows that his phones are being used that way, and facilitates that, then yes, he should be locked up too.

it's not fucking rocket science.

in reply to anonymiss

I absolutely stand by my comment. European pols are obsessed with outlawing private communications, which is evil.
in reply to anonymiss

ah but they were not actually "private" now were they?
in reply to anonymiss

If they're not private, than the French government should go after the persons involved in any crimes, not the person who provides a social media platform. You can bet the farm that if Durov had provided back door keys to encrypted communication, none of this would be in the news right now. We both know that.
in reply to anonymiss

backdoor keys to encrypted communication?

why would he need to provide backdoors when the communications were NOT encrypted?

are you even listening to yourself?

in reply to anonymiss

He was arrested because he facilitates a wide range of crimes

Many more CEOs should be arrested then.

Pockets in clothing facilitate the concealment of many kinds of weapons and illegal contraband (like heroine). Buildings without spy cameras and microphones in every room facilitate private conversations in which all kinds of crimes can be planned. Bicycles facilitate the transportation of criminals to and from the scenes of their crimes.

But the point of the article is that Telegram purports to provide private communications but does not.

There's a pretty good article about this at Ars.

in reply to anonymiss

I will never understand why regular people feel such a pressing need to defend neo-nazi billionaires from the consequences of their own actions...
in reply to anonymiss

"are you even listening to yourself?"

You're focused on the shiny object being dangled. Telegrams private messages (secret chats) are encrypted, and that's what this is about. Lavrentiy Beria is rumored to have once said to Josef Stalin, "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." It has been painfully apparent in recent years that if the politically powerful don't like you, they will find a way to punish you, in ways that would make Lavrentiy Beria proud.

in reply to anonymiss

wow, it must be nice to have so much of an eternal life that you can waste it defending fucks like this guy.
in reply to anonymiss

I'm out, I have better things to do with my limited time.
in reply to anonymiss

Apparently cursing and hatred are better things to do than critical thinking.
in reply to anonymiss

from Matthew Green

If you're discussing encryption, you should know who he is.

in reply to anonymiss

"Secret Chats" are encrypted. Normies may have difficulty enabling that feature, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Also, I'm somewhat familiar with encryption ciphers and modes used as seed. It's kind of what I do.