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Today is #NakbaDay, the day when Palestinians remember being forced out of their homes, and the dawn of the camps which hold so many.
These are my greatgrandparents, and the female survivors of Nakba. They survived only because they were in Lebanon for a cousin's wedding.
At one point, my family was one of the oldest, largest, and wealthiest families in the Levant. We built soap factories that were Unesco heritage sites until the IDF leveled them. We built universities and houses of worship. We had trade routes stretching from China to Persia. When Britain brought Nazi survivors to Palestine, my family built them homes, a temple and a school.
They were repaid by the Irgun waiting until the patriarch was away, then they lined up every male between newborn and death, and shot them. The women were forced to leave with nothing but what they could carry. All of their assets were seized.
We will never forget. After this latest massacre, we will never forgive. #Gaza #Palestine #Nakba