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Thinking about the results of a poll I ran some time ago where 8% of people voted that it's often "too difficult" to come up with [a] description".

I wonder if people are just overthinking it.

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

The way I look at alt text is a bit like the difference between translation and localization, where the goal is not translating word by word, rather making the thing you're translating *accessible* to people who speak a different language, or live in a different culture.

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Likewise, I don't think about describing or transcribing everything that's in a picture, rather, explaining the point of the picture, and why I'm sharing it.

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescription

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

#AltText image descriptions

I see your point, Stefan, and with photos, it's usually not that difficult. But how about cartoons, or worse, PowerPoint slides, e.g., about climate change? If you really want to be inclusive, you need to rather fully describe them, which often takes 5-20 min. each.

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

@HistoPol Oh absolutely. Data visualizations can be particularly challenging.

And I actually like that kind of challenge myself, trying to show that it can be done, it just, as you said, takes an extra effort.

(Link may only work on the web.)
