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To the credit of the Mastodon development team and volunteer contributors, it's great to see the ongoing conversation around the botched notification updates that led to increased harassment, and genuine attempts to fix the situation.

#mastodon #fediverse #MastoDev #notifications #safety

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

the biggest issue with it, is that if someone is silenced on an instance for whatever reason by the admins, the notifications are hidden with no way to see what's actually happening.

This causes people to assume the worst of the silenced person, even if they're not harassing in the interactions that the other person is receiving.🤦‍♂️

People are getting vilified across Fedi because they've been silenced on .social for not aligning politically with Eugen regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict and that's very worrying.

Nobody should be afraid of their own opinions causing them to be silenced, especially on an issue that's as nuanced and critical as that one.