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Can’t believe it’s been 16 years since I organised the world’s first virtual web conference (it was called <head>, it took place over 3 days, had 4 simultaneous tracks, over 70 speakers, and local in-world conference hubs in London, Manchester, Brigthon, Fribourg, and San Francisco, as well as as pre-conference party and a separate virtual hub in Second Life).

#headConference #virtualConference #webConference #web #conference #history

in reply to Aral Balkan

Crazy how time flys by!

You're such an inspiration to many, I know I've said it before, but your work on small web and related tools is iconic!

The fediverse is so lucky to have such dedicated and wise developers like you, who have no problem using your following to question other devs and I think that's an amazing quality.

You give a voice to the voiceless, and build for the people.

Much love and success, you def deserve it ❤️

in reply to dansup

@dansup That’s so kind of you to say, Dan. I don’t know about wise, I’m just a person trying my best to unlearn the toxic patriarchy we’re raised in and, in my own small way, build tools for the kind of world where I wouldn’t have had the privileges I had (because we’d all have them and they wouldn’t be privileges).

Similarly, though, your work is a huge inspiration and source of hope for me.

Here’s to decentring ourselves and creating a fairer, kinder, and more equitable world for us all 💕

in reply to Aral Balkan

Very cool - I remember that!

Now you've reminded me of the hybrid Cybermind Conference I ran in 1996! We used a MOO for the online interactive space (which was visible on a side screen at all times), and streamed everything from the main venue on RealAudio and CU-SeeMe!

in reply to Aral Balkan

Hey, I went to that SL conference. Probably have screenshots here somewhere. Ah, back when floating with a keyboard in front of a screen was a good party.