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Hey folks, if we’re going to keep Hungary in the EU, why not also invite Russia and the US?…

#EU #Orban #USA #Russia #fascism

in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral, because that gives us the option to sanction them?

At least that's how EU put pressure on Poland. Not that it really worked out.

in reply to Aral Balkan

EU planning has been very short-sighted and very German-centric, which is how we ended up with clowns like Orban and financial crises like the one in 2010.

Add to that the exorbitant white-collar corruption, and it all starts to make sense.

EU forces countries to sell off public infrastructure assets to their corporate friends, resulting in huge problems + bills to the citizens.

Orban bought back the electricity production and Hungarians were relieved to feel it in their pockets.

in reply to Alex Schroeder

As I'm all about answering rhetorical questions: The closest we can get to kicking out a member state is evoking Article 7 of the TEU. It wouldn't lead to a rejection of membership directly, but it can effectively sideline states and prevent them from voting in the Council.

An Article 7 procedure has been open against Hungary since 2018, but it needs to be unanimously decided by the rest of the Council. This was first blocked by Poland, then by Slovakia.…
@alex @aral