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I’m seeing a lot of people badmouthing Facebook/Meta and saying we shouldn’t federate with Threads. is owned by Mastodon gGmbH and run by the *author* of Mastodon. federates with Threads. If Facebook/Meta were toxic, do you think they would? Of course, not.

Facebook/Meta has Mastodon’s author’s (& the original Mastodon server’s) seal of approval. So you should all shush because clearly you’re mistaken.

#mastodon #meta #facebook #threads

in reply to Aral Balkan

As you're one of those that are instigating that calling for people to vacate those instances I guess this is meant to be clever.

Individuals can block instances if they wish.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Harsh - I don't think people should federate with threads. Meta has over and over again abused its market position to make money. The only difference I would say is that people should do a per person block of
Yes Meta is toxic. Yes Meta is bad. The sheer amount of lawsuits make that clear. If people don't federate then threads will make its own way in the world. Meta don't need federation it is just a way to make more money and abuse their power
in reply to 3dcandy

So fediverse servers should help them make more money and abuse their power by federating with them? I’m not sure I follow.

And, anyway, you must be wrong. Meta can’t be toxic or bad or else Mastodon gGmbH wouldn’t treat them as friends. Unless you’re saying they don’t care that they’re toxic or bad. But that’s… unthinkable.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

of course they don't care it's called choice. That is why I advocate a per person block and is also why they federate. The tools are there so use them. When a platform has several ways to achieve the same thing and you can also choose an instance that does or does not block these choices are powerful.
in reply to 3dcandy

@3dcandy Cool, so we should remove the server block feature from Mastodon and not defederate from Gab, etc., either. Or, y’know, maybe let’s not.

A core ethical tenet of the fediverse is that we take care of others, not just leave people to fend for themselves.

in reply to Aral Balkan

but we should also give them the choice....
This is why I advocate a per person block. The choices are there, it is up to people to be educated about the choice of instance. This is a core feature - join an instance that aligns with what YOU want and go from there. It is a whole different way of thinking...
There is no right or wrong way here. But saying that a platform is OK because of a choice made by someone is very counter-productive when the whole ecosystem made choices to help this
in reply to Aral Balkan

Ho yes! Totally - but this is the thing.... others don't!
This topic is gonna run and run....
in reply to Aral Balkan

and yes - this is my point - education about the choices is what is needed 😀
in reply to Aral Balkan

oh and I thought about being sarcastic and then thought it would be misconstrued and the cycle would repeat... lol
in reply to Aral Balkan

Well, I hoped it was, but wasn't sure until I read the thread. Couldn’t muster the energy to read the full interview :)
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

also yes - money does make the world go around. Meta pays people to post on threads - so that directly influences it federating with others and in many ways is totally against the ethics of the fediverse...
That simple fact is enough for many to block, and will make (in my opinion) many block as well. It also put the people who make Mastodon in a position they cannot really win. All I will say is I'm already seeing people leave over threads federation
in reply to Aral Balkan

I've seen a lot of people try to bully Eugen into not federating with Threads. That's not a good look. Don't help them.
in reply to Dušan 🇷🇸 :arch: ⚛️

@dusnm I can’t bully the largest Mastodon instance in the world to do anything. Bullying is what the powerful do to the weak, not the other way around.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm sure you know I meant, don't help people bully Eugen, the person, not
in reply to Dušan 🇷🇸 :arch: ⚛️

@dusnm Again, you’re conflating calling out the largest mastodon instance and the CEO of Mastodon gGmbH for legitimising a known bad actor and exposing vulnerable people on to Facebook/Meta with “bullying”.

Maybe consider what the power dynamics really are here and whether or not you’re punching up or punching down.

I’ll leave you to it.

in reply to Aral Balkan

At worse, you could consider the "Threads instance" to have lackluster moderation coming from Meta/Facebook.
And either way, THANKS TO THE MAGIC OF THE FEDIVERSE :fediverse:. You can block the threads instance globally by yourself to not see their content in your feed :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

that was an interesting read until I ran into an unexpected paywall.
in reply to Aral Balkan

"Cory Doctorow coined the term “enshittification” for this. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the term just because it's a bit crude" I really like the term for this exact reason: if you're opposed to the "crudeness" of the term then you're also likely to be one of the people that says "I agree with you, but your protests are inconveniencing people!"
in reply to Diss Appear

@funkybuddha Was Eugen being sarcastic with that statement? I definitely missed that if he was.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@funkybuddha I don't know why I feel such a need to defend my reading comprehension (Online Discourse Disease, maybe?), but yeah, I got the sarcasm, I was merely commenting on something I read in the interview that, to me, suggests the sort of person Eugen may be...