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Europe will not be part of Ukraine peace talks, US envoy says…

Europe will be part of whatever the fuck it wants and doesn’t need yankee permission to do so.

#usa #russia #fascism #eu #ukraine

in reply to Aral Balkan

Of course. US fascists and Russian fascists will not have peace talks. But capitulation talks. Putin waves his evidence of Trump's corruption. And suddenly the latter is lying in the muck and doing a kowtow.

Do have really "peace talks", we need a strong Europe together with Ukraine at the table.

(And as bynote: we don't need libertarian fascistoid cowards as e.g. Swiss president Keller climbing in the arse of the self-proclamed genius in the USA.)

in reply to Aral Balkan

there are currently 93 US occupation bases on the mainland territory of Europe. So, as it's been since the end of WW2, the US orders, we obey. The only difference now is that Trump dropped any semblance of social acceptability. Otherwise, it's business as usual.

So, no, I don't expect we get a say about defending Ukraine or anything else, except with American permission. What I do expect is the materialization of the explicit threat of an American Blitzkrieg to take over (Western) Europe while Russia gets the territories they are interested in strategically (Transnistria and especially the Baltic states).