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Isn’t nature beautiful? Here you see a neoliberal anus in its natural environment, cosying up to a fascist dickhead.

#macron #trump #neoliberalism #fascism

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

"You know Manu in America we have big Churches... We have the biggest Churches. Next time one of your small Churches is on fire, just give me a call, I have the best construction work company, we rebuild it in six months."

"You know Donnie, if you do that and you have a French bank account we can give you *very advantageous* tax deductions. What? You don't have a French bank account? Wait, I know a very good banker, he's here somewhere in the assembly."

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Both are both.

Manu the 1st is "the centrist" who
- quoted charles maurras, a monarchist nationalist dickhead.
- quoted carl schmitt, a nazi lawyer, anti Rechtsstaat (State of law), in front of multiple civil rights NGO and a leftist, Jewish, defense attorney specialized in police violence cases (Arié Alimi)
- gave an interview to far-right reactionnary churnal (« valeur """actuelles""" ». more-like Backward reactionnary values…) using far-right conspiracy theorist vocabulary.

in reply to Aral Balkan

It’s a species I wouldn’t mind going extinct.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

C'est pas peu dire qu'il ne peut en sortir que de la merde, voir son dernier discourt, et le précédent et celui d'avant etc etc...( de la merde facho libérale bien sur)