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“Turning everyday objects into fragmentation grenades should be a crime, as it blurs the line between civilian and military technologies.

I fear that if we do not universally and swiftly condemn the practice of turning everyday gadgets into bombs, we risk legitimizing a military technology that can literally bring the front line of every conflict into your pocket, purse or home.”

#israel #pagerAttack #terrorism

in reply to Aral Balkan

the blurring of lines between civilian and military use of tech was mentioned along with other tools, tactics & procedures of malicious actors in the use of #ict in Third Eye Legal Consultancy’s contributions to the #UN #cyber OEWG. A need of for a binding legal instrument is pivotal to ensure #Peace #security & Stability in cyberspace.
in reply to Aral Balkan

You are right. But all the news will say that only Russia is bad and all the problems in the world are only because of Putin. They talk little about Israel, it is better not to talk about this problem. Now there is a different agenda. I was surprised that the UN expressed dissatisfaction with Israel and put forward demands.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I read that it is a crime. I'll try to find the source.
in reply to Aral Balkan

It already is a crime. It always was. Has everyone forgotten suicide bombers already, and all that followed from that?
in reply to Aral Balkan

I feel like there must be something lost in translation somewhere because the Boston Marathon bombs were made out of pressure cookers...
in reply to Aral Balkan

It is already a crime, something that many media agencies have been (for what ever their motivation) wilfully failing to report.

Israel is already one of of 127 signatory's of Protocol II of the United Nations 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons,
Protocol II prohibits in all circumstances the use of booby-traps in apparently harmless portable objects,_Booby-Traps_and_Other_Devices

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Arguably these are worse than suicide bombers or cluster munitions, as these have been designed to inflict disabling injuries while posing as innocuous devices that anybody at all could be using, in any place, while being activated remotely without even bothering where the devices are.

It seems we’ve discovered a whole new level of hypocrisy and double standards.

in reply to Aral Balkan

@walkermatt @bunnie Launching about 1,000 missiles a month at civilian populations should also be a crime. Perhaps we should have condemned that for the last 11 months?
in reply to Aral Balkan

it's sick.

In all of the human history (I doubt it's modern world problem),...

It's terrorism if it goes against citizens of colonial empires, overlords, oligarchs and such, otherwise it's a "legitimate" military operation pursued in the goal of "righteous self defense".

Terror is everything, that turns a supposed to be safe place, into a possibly dangerous place, now untrusted regarding safety, where unpredictable violence can happen out of nothing, or due to "control maintenance".